Fire Notes

Welcome, Kyle!

By April 11, 2016April 21st, 2017No Comments

Thanks to capacity building funds awarded to The Firecracker Foundation through Just Beginnings Collaborative, your office team has grown by one. Meet Kyle Kirkby, your new Bookkeeper and Office Manager!

Version 2

I’m  a proud community advocate with almost a decade of hands-on office management experience sustaining local non-profit organizations. I genuinely enjoy supporting our community and the important mission and outreach work that makes #LoveLansing a unique and wonderful place to live.

By honoring the bravery of children who have survived sexual trauma, The Firecracker Foundation is building a community invested in healing their whole being. The fostering of holistic opportunities which promote healing and growth for youth survivors of trauma is enormously important work and creates a foundation for children to grow beyond their experiences.

Providing young people a safe space to heal; an empathetic listening ear for guidance and the opportunity for creative expression and movement, inspires the mind and body toward empowering the Self to become a trusted, valued home for the Spirit.

Being within the natural landscape brings a Peace that sustains me. I’m a long-time gardener and my husband and I love to hike, canoe and are active birders. We have 2 sweet rescue pups and a trio of cats to round out our family and they bring us laughter, snuggles and enough pet-hair tumbleweeds to knit matching sweaters!

I am grateful that the work I do to support The Firecracker Foundation will help child survivors of sexual trauma reclaim their safe space.

Kyle Kirkby