Fire Notes

Welcome, Angie!

By June 3, 2015April 21st, 20172,000 Comments

Angie Intern

Welcome your new Generous Practice Intern, Angie Furtaw!

Angie recently graduated from Michigan State University with a Bachelors in Kinesiology and a Minor in Health Promotions.  After a trail of personal hardships followed her from her childhood she found empowerment through running cross country. Running beyond her self defined limits built a confidence in her that she hadn’t felt before. Gradually she moved into other forms of exercise, and found a psychological form of healing was transpiring within her. Angie found this to be so healing to her mind, body, and soul and just knew she had to share this with others.
During college Angie got her ACSM certification to personal train, as well as taught yoga and other fitness classes. She also worked with a campus ministry, honing in her skills of listening and supporting students in their own personal pursuit of healing.
Since graduating, Angie has gotten hired as a Children’s Advocate at St. Vincent Catholic Charities Children’s Home. She also volunteers her time teaching children to garden at Foster Park in Eastside Lansing.
In the fall, she wishes to pursue a more well rounded education in her efforts to help others by obtaining her Masters Degree in Counseling/Psychology.
When she’s not making up healthy recipes you may find her wandering the Midwest with her husband. She also loves the sunshine, traveling, hiking, and photography. Someday when she retires, she wants to open a little coffee shop / venue with her husband out west.
Angie is just beginning to work with The Firecracker Foundation’s Teen Yoga Committee and help organize other fundraising events all over Michigan. She is excited to learn and grow with such an inspiring team!