You accomplished amazing things in March.
From taking fourth place in the Big Bang-quet Challenge, to launching the Yoga Therapy for Teen Survivors of Sexual Trauma program, you have a lot to celebrate.
As March has wrapped up, a new month has begun with good news and important endeavors. April marks both Sexual Assault Awareness Month and Child Abuse Prevention Month. With this, it is only fitting that on April 1st, we contracted the first therapist ever to join our team. This is a tremendous step towards allowing children who have survived sexual trauma a way to begin the healing process.
As we look ahead to the coming weeks, we are extremely excited about the opportunities and events that will allow us to continue the fight against sexual violence, and the healing of those who are survivors. You may have noticed the addition of an event calendar to the home page as well as a few other fancy embellishments.
Next up!
Emergence: an intimate performance
Lansing Give Camp chose this organization to benefit from the hours of tech savvy volunteers gave to area nonprofits. As a team, they built a much more responsive, well-organized website. They also gave us some tips on how to make some improvements in the future.

Celebrating YOUR success at the Big Bang-quet Challenge Reveal
Your support is what makes everything possible, it is what educates, advocates, and it is what heals. Thank you for making March so amazing, and thank you for standing by your community in the fight against sexual assault and child abuse during this month of April.
Thank you,
Taylor Vander Hyde Communication Intern PS – Stay in the know! Click here to sign up for email updates.